Monthly Archives: April 2013

Former Haitian pop star running for mayor in Miami, claims someone using voodoo to force her out of race

Former Haitian pop star running for mayor in Miami, claims someone using voodoo to force her out of race

Baby Doc tells court Haiti was “a better country” under his rule

Baby Doc tells court Haiti was “a better country” under his rule

Ambitious Social Programs Underway in Haiti

Ambitious Social Programs Underway in Haiti

3 Ways technology may be ruining your relationship

Technology and social media are integrated into our daily routines. With this taking such a considerable part of our lives, one can’t help but ask, “How does this affect my relationships?” While some may think it’s a silly question, for many, social media and technology can play an integral part in what wrong with their relationships. Here are a few ways technology and social media may be ruining your relationship.     Posting too much information It’s natural to seek advice from friends when you’re going through something with your loved one. But, Facebook is not the place to do so. Conversations such as these should be private. Posting your relationship ordeal on a social network is an open invitation for opinions from anyone and everyone, who by the way, know nothing about your relationship. Keep your personal information within your relationship.   Staying in contact with exes on social media You can’t help it if your ex is on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter…It’s expected. But, if an ex sends you a friend request or message, things can get rocky. Unless you’ve communicated with your significant other about the terms of your relationship, it’s best to just let it be. … read more